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Counseling Services

Offering therapy for your specific need

Individual Therapy

Individual counseling consists of a series of confidential one-on-one sessions that are designated to explore your specific concerns in a safe and growth-oriented environment. Hearing and holding your story is a privilege, so we will work together towards understanding and work towards your specific goals. Individual sessions are typically 50 minutes.

Couples Therapy

Couples counseling consists of a series of confidential relationship sessions focusing on increasing understanding to foster change through new patterns of interaction. We will explore how perspective, narrative, attachment, vulnerability, communication, previous relationships, and trauma can affect the relationship by leading to greater emotional connection and intimacy. Because the relationship is “the client,” we will discuss the nuances of couples counseling in greater detail during our first consultation.

Individual Therapy

Catholic Counseling

As a Catholic counselor, I am grounded in the belief that every person is created in the image of God and called by Love to live in this Truth. This belief is the lens from which I see you: an unrepeatable soul with inherent dignity, called to walk out a specific purpose. My faith is what grounds me and guides me so I cannot contradict the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. However, I work with people from all walks of life and you decide and choose whether or not we integrate faith into treatment. Fear not, beloved. I hold steadfast to Christ's promise: "Behold! I am making all things new!"(Revelation 21:5).

Terapia en español

Como su terapeuta, mi labor es crear un espacio para que se sienta bienvenido, protegido y atendido. Aquí encontrará la libertad de traer consigo a su verdadero yo: todas tus alegrías, penas y dolor. Aquí, caminaremos juntos -a su ritmo- hacia una comprensión más profunda de usted mismo, para construir una vida auténtica. He encontrado mi pasión trabajando con mujeres que se encuentran en situaciones dolorosas, ya sea a partir de experiencias traumáticas o a partir de las voces internas del sufrimiento, y trabajando juntos hacia la sanación y la paz.

EMDR Therapy

EMDR Therapy

EMDR is a structured therapy that encourages the patient to focus briefly on the trauma memory while simultaneously experiencing bilateral stimulation (typically eye movements), which is associated with a reduction in the vividness and emotion associated with the trauma memories. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an extensively researched, effective psychotherapy method proven to help people recover from trauma and PTSD symptoms.

Catholic & Spanish Counseling

My Specialties

  • EMDR Therapy

  • Attachment and early childhood issues

  • Faith, spirituality concerns

  • Therapy for therapists (and other healers)

  • Love and Relationship concerns

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Trauma and Abuse

  • Life transitions

  • Personal growth

  • Grief and loss

  • Difficulties with self-esteem and shame

Your Journey to a Fuller Life


​Lyss (Alyssa) de la Torre

California Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, LPCC 8313

Colorado Licensed Professional Counselor, LPC #14051


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